C Chord

All c chords are constructed with a c root note.
C chord. In c major that means c f and g. Piano chords with the root note c including pictures and explanation. These three chords form the basis of a huge number of popular songs. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit go and jguitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered.
This is the easiest possible version of the c guitar chord. Choose from the categories below or change to another root note via the menu above. C major 1 finger the biggest benefit here is that it only requires 1 finger. It s simple to play and is ideal for children with their smaller hands.
Because everyone has different shaped hands and lengths of fingers the c chord always looks a little different for different people. Some people have their fingers more or less angled and there is a huge variation in thumb placement between different people. Beside that some chord are extended with sixths sevenths ninths and so on. Just 1 finger the biggest drawback is it doesn t sound great it sounds very thin and holds lots of treble.
Show c results. C cm c7 cm7 cmaj7 cmm7 c6 cm6 c6 9 c5 c9 cm9 cmaj9 c11 cm11 c13 cm13 cmaj13 cadd c7 5 c7 5 csus cdim cdim7 cm7b5 caug caug7 show and filter all chords. Furter on the major chords include a major third wheras the minor chords include a minor third as the second note in the chord. A super simple version of the c guitar chord.
Jguitar s handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. In major keys major chords are found on the i iv and v 1st 4th and 5th degrees of the scale.